So Much For Goodbyes

It’s been just over a year since I wrote that this blog would be ending. I was certain at that time that it would. I had thought that my hosting package was about to end and since I hadn’t really written in years, what was the point in continuing? If you follow me on Twitter […]

Love Your Own Way

We grow up, many of us at least, being told that we will meet our one true love and marry them. That’s where things are supposed to lead right? You meet, you date, you may move in with each other, then you settle down and get married, maybe have a kid or two. That’s what […]

Labels. We all have them.

Through the years I have been given many labels. Some of which have been me, yet not quite me at the same time. Some have evolved over the years, and some were way off base. The label you give me depends on the side of me you see, the context in which you see me. […]

Depression Seeps In – REPOST

I originally wrote this post when I first started this blog over two years ago. I had no audience then, nobody who knew me from Adam, but I felt it was important to share. I’ve gotten much more personal since then and hope I can continue to be honest about the things that are going on […]

Dating and Spinach

Dating is so not what it used to be. Understatement, I know. Remember when it was as easy as going to the club and flirting with a cute guy? Those were the days. Half drunk, more often completely wasted, and locking lips in the corner with some guy you’ve known all of twenty minutes. Then […]

The Body Issue

I didn’t plan on this blog being about me personally. I mean honestly, who wants to hear about my life and struggles? You don’t know me from Eve, what do you care? But after last week’s depression post and some of the messages I received, I started to think more about it. There are people […]

Depression Seeps In

I have been thinking about depression the last few days. I know, taboo subject. We all experience depression at some point in our lives. Some mildly so, but others require major medication and medical care. Maybe just for a few days here and there, maybe for a lifetime. I am one of the mildly so […]