So Much For Goodbyes

It’s been just over a year since I wrote that this blog would be ending. I was certain at that time that it would. I had thought that my hosting package was about to end and since I hadn’t really written in years, what was the point in continuing?...

We’ve All Been Broken

We’ve all been broken at one time or other in our lives. We break when our friends or relatives die. We break when relationships end, when love is lost. Sometimes we crack, little cracks over time that lead to breaking for what seems like no apparent reason. The key is what...

I do want to change you

I don’t want to change you, not really. I don’t want to change who you are, your beliefs, the things that make you you. It is who you are that makes me want to be with you. It’s your personality, your character, that I am drawn to. If I wanted...

What I Am Looking For

Many years ago I had to write a list of things I was looking for in a partner as part of a school assignment. I was studying natural and alternative health at the time. This particular assignment was for a class on manifesting and the law of attraction. The idea is to...