Who I am

Who am I? Some days I’m not entirely sure. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a boss, an artist, and a writer. I constantly question things in this world around me as I continue to learn, change, and evolve. I believe in love. I also believe in everyone’s right to live as their authentic selves and to love whomever they want. You may refer to me as she, her, Goddess, Ma’am, or that crazy lady on the internet.

Writing has always been a passion of mine. When I was younger I wrote a lot of poetry, angsty love type stuff, and short stories. I did have a poem published as a teenager, in a book I have around here somewhere, but haven’t written any poetry in a very long time. About ten years ago a new friend introduced me to erotica, or at least the idea of writing it, and not long after that Stella Kiink was born.

For those of you who have been around a while, you will notice my site recently went from nearly 1000 posts to less than 50. It was time for a change, to clear out some of the mess and make things both easier to navigate and more focused. Much of the personal stuff will be deleted completely or used as inspiration for new stories. Larry and Victor will both return, as will the Becoming series.

I do hope you enjoy the changes and stick around as I continue this journey.


Email: stellakiink@live.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/stellakiink
Twitter: http://twitter.com/stellakiink

5 thoughts on “Who I am

  1. Dearest Stella,
    Thank you for following my blog site.
    Your Friend, and Follower,

  2. Hello Stella,

    I’ve invited you to join my blog tour because I love reading your work. Please see post http://wp.me/p3OZYX-If for more information.

    I hope you can find time to do this.

    Kind regards,
    Franco Bolli

  3. Hello Stella, I’d like to ask your permission to use some of your content. Is there an email where I can reach you? I can’t find an adress on your blog.


  4. Pi

    Nice to meet you Stella ~ keep writing. You reminded how I used write in diaries.

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